2018 Minutes (Prior to Formal Organization of JCFFF)

JCFFF Advisory Board Meeting – August 28, 2018 at 4:30pm- CPES

Present:  Sallie Wright, Heather Haas, Sharon Miller, Becky Cotant, Yoland Graslie, Krista Dunn, Greg Haas


Organization Business

  • 501(c)3
  • Bylaws – incorporators will meet Tuesday, September 11th at 5:00?
  • Create board (how many)  – next meeting
  • Election of officers – next meeting
  • Program Coordinator – next meeting
  • Conflict of Interest Statement – next meeting
  • Adjust banking protocol (signatures) after election of treasures at next meeting (sec 8.2-3)
  • Blessings in a Backpack update
  • Food Bank of the Rockies update
    • Initial storage in Cotant Dentistry
    • Will look into a school location after Superintendent arrives
    • Waiting for a site visit to approve our storage then we can decide on funding and menu
  • DJ’s meeting
    • See notes here from Sharon’s meeting with Kelly and Tom (add link)
    • They are happy to work with us
    • Case sale discount (like food pantry)
    • If we let Tom know ahead time that we’re low on something he will look for it.
    • He can get an order in two days (prefers more of course)
    • Can get a JCFFF donate button on their computer
    • What about IGA – to start out let’s keep it simple with DJ’s  and look into it more in the future (as IGA transition to Ridley’s).
  • Food Distribution
    • Schools deciding on lists, numbers (by Tuesday, Sept. 4) and how they will distribute
    • Decision on how we will pack and variation in amounts?
    • Organization of volunteers – Yolanda and Sharon will partner
    • First and/or second sort and deliver will be done by the board so kinks can be worked out and procedures can began to be created
    • Sharon, Sallie and Becky will work on menu’s once Becky hears from FBR
  • Fundraising
    • Race for the Rest of Us – postponed until Spring
    • For now will focus on the ask letter and making presentations to local group.  A goal of 3 presentations of month
    • Kelsey at the museum is wanting to do a holiday fundraiser
  • Ask Letter and Thank yous
    • Sharon is working on drafts for these and will share out when draft is complete
  • Webpage,  Facebook, Email, Brocure
    • Greg, Heather and Sharon will continue work on these


JCFFF Advisory Board Meeting  – July 31, 2018 at 4:00pm- CPES

Present:  Heather Haas, Patsy Wirth, Dana George, Krista Dunn, Becky Cotant, Sallie Wright, Sharon Miller, Yolanda Graslie, Jen Skaggs and Greg Haas


  • Business/Setting Up the Organization plan
    • Advisory Board information:  Becky’s name and address was added to the 501(c)3 application as a board member.
    • Bank Account at FNB:  We have one that includes a debit card and checks if needed.  Greg and Heather were signed up on the account but additional co-signers are needed for checks and balance purposes.  Krista agreed to be added to the account.
    • EIN obtained – we are registered with the state of WY as a corporation.
    • Website/Domain Name and FB presence – Greg has registered the domain name jc-fff.org for our web presence and email address.  The current email will be info@jc-fff.org. Greg will continue to develop the page.  A facebook page will also be set up, hopefully by Myra.
    • Becky got us a PO Box-#314.  She will turn in her receipt for reimbursement.
    • 501(c)(3) status – application was completed by Heather and handed off to Yolanda so that she can give it to Paul Graslie who will look it over for legalities.  Once we hear from him we can apply. Determination from the IRS is said to happen anywhere from 2-12 months. How much, or if there is a fee is being investigated by Greg and we’ll get Paul’s opinion on this too.  In the meantime, we’ll continue to look into organizations that may be willing to be an umbrella 501(c)3 until ours comes through.
    • Logos and letterheads were reviewed and the group decided on the third choice in which the heart logo is smaller and the words goes across (blue strip on top and heart gray on the bottom).  In addition we’d like to be able to use the larger heart logo with the blue box with words underneath for possibly website/fb, etc.
    • Discussion about the program coordinator position included hearing from Sharon and her interest in the project.  We are excited to have Sharon on board She will join first as a board member to become familiar with the organization then if she, or another individual, is interested in becoming the program coordinator, she will submit a letter of interest to the Advisory Board, which will then be considered.
  • Food
    • Food Bank of the Rockies report – we have tentatively been approved but need to secure 501(c)3 status, either ourselves or under someone, in order to participate.   
    • Blessings in a Backpack report – Heather has been in touch with Eddie from BIB and it has been agreed that the donors from last year (Larry and Susan Patrick) will continue to support Johnson County, this time for 200 children. First delivery is scheduled for September 7th.  Eddie also is arranging for 75 Vera Bradley backpacks to be delivered to use with our students.
  • Fundraising
    • Seeking Grants – once we have 501(c)3 status we’ll pursue more grants as a source of funding.
    • Create a list of businesses, organizations and individuals to ask for money.  Sallie has agreed to get this started. Then we can then begin to visit organizations and present about JCFFF.
    • Send out a letter of request – Patsy and Krista agreed to draft a letter for requesting donations and a thank you letter for those who have already donated (Littler, NS and JP).  We’ll also need to explore more a privacy statement and a systematic way to know whether or not to share donors names. Sharon will look into that for us.
    • Host an Event – the board seemed to like the idea for a Race for the Rest of Us to be held sometime in September.  Heather checked with the City of Buffalo, Mishap and Rick Myers at First Northern Bank and they are all supportive.  More planning with all three entities will need to happen once a date is chosen. Possible dates will be looked at by board members and discussed via the new communication tool – Remind.  Heather and Greg will attempt to set up an account and will invite board members.
  • Future endeavors to think about
    • Alternate meeting date/time – no need at this time, we’ll stick with the last Tuesday of the month though we may have to move it back to 4:30.
    • Write up By-laws is a next big project and will need to be drafted soon.
    • Community Food Meeting with JCFFF, Food Pantry, FBR, Senior Center, CRC, Groceries stores, and/or others was discussed and Jen agreed to look into planning that.
    • A meeting for school coordination will be set up mid-August and will hopefully include school counselors, principals, possibly the new superintendent.  Sallie should also come to represent preschool aged children. Heather will set that up.

Action Plan:  

  • Patsy will:
    • ask Josh to create a letterhead template, a logo template and a business card template for future use.
    • Share final logo template with Greg and Myra for the website and Facebook
    • Create a draft donation request letter and draft donation thank you letter with Krista
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to Heather.
  • Krista will:
    • Get information to FNB and add as a signee once we know more about the program coordinator position
    • Create a draft donation request letter and draft donation thank you letter with Patsy
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to Heather
  • Sallie will:
    • start a list of local businesses and organizations that we could approach and/or present about JCFFF
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to Heather.
  • Sharon will:
    • Sharon will look into a privacy statement and the idea of a “release” signed by donors.
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to Heather.
  • Becky will:
    • Turn in reimbursement receipt for the PO Box. (and check the mail!)
    • Continue to look into an umbrella 501(c)3 organization along with Heather
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to Heather.
  • Greg will:
    • Continue to develop webpage and advise on 501(c)3 and by-laws
    • Help Heather set up a Remind account for the Advisory Board
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to Heather.
  • Heather will:
    • Help Greg set up a Remind account for the Advisory Board
    • Send Patsy and Krista example of donation and thank you letters
    • Continue to look into an umbrella 501(c)3 organization along with Becky
    • Look into setting up a school personnel meeting for mid August.
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to herself.
  • Jen will:
    • Look into setting up a community food meeting
    • Look into possible date for the Race for the Rest of Us  and report back to Heather.

Phew!  Thanks everyone for all the efforts – it’s coming together!!!!

Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 28th at 4:00 – CPES, Heather’s room


Advisory Board Meeting  – June 26, 2018 at 4:00pm

** Meeting Postponed – email sent out with information and to dos


Advisory Board Meeting – CPES – May 29, 2018 at 4:00pm

Present: Heather Haas, Greg Haas, Krista Dunn, Becky Cotant, Teri Wuthier, Patsy Wirth and Yolanda Graslie


  • Letterhead/Logo – Krista presented 2 ideas, group discussed.  A combo of the two was the favorite. Patsy offered to share our ideas with her son, a logo designer by trade and see if he is willing to create something original.
  • Food Bank of the Rockies and WCF update – Becky talked with FBR and downloaded their application.  We really can’t move forward with that until we have fiscal sponsorship and other things (storage, etc) in place.  Heather talked with WCF who encouraged us to find local sponsorship through either local churches, the Sheridan Food Group, our food bank, our YMCA, etc.  Her other big piece of advice was to apply for the Hazel Patterson Grant, if for no other reason to begin learning about the grant process.
  • Fiscal Agent Proposal  Heather also met with Shan Edwards from the CRC.  Shann feels that our Friends Feeding Friends group is a perfect match for the CRC but a proposal will need to be made to the CRC board.  She put us on the agenda for June 21. She thought our proposal should include:
    • Mission statement
    • By-Laws or operating rules
    • Description of activity
    • Our goal(s) and target population
    • Data of support and plan to measure our success (how will we know if we’re meeting our goal?)
  • Sponsorship or Partnership? – The group discussed the possibility of proposing a partnership instead of a fiscal sponsorship with CRC.   On our own we register with the state as an LLC then function as a business for the first year until we can get our own 501 (3) ©.  We can look into requesting pro bono work from a lawyer in town to help us apply. To form a business entity we need 3 officers to apply.  Heather Haas, Greg Haas and Krista Dunn offered the names to use on the application.
  • Hazel Patterson Grant application by June 15 – we need to begin work.
  • Fundraising ideas:  Run for the Rest of Us?  This summer??

Action Plan:

  • Patsy will contact her son regarding putting together a logo.  
  • Greg and Becky will work together to look into if it is feasible of establishing a business entity, obtaining our own 501 (3) and having a local lawyer help with the legal paperwork.  Becky will look into getting a PO Box. Try to have a plan set by June 15 and report back to group so a decision can be regarding what we ask CRC for (sponsorship or partnership?)
  • Revisit the CRC fiscal sponsorship vs. partnership via email or call an in person meeting if Greg and Becky feel necessary.
  • Heather, Teri, Yolanda and Patsy will sit down and begin work on the Hazel Patterson Grant the first full of week June.
  • Facebook – Myra will create page and publish Coordinator job description
  • Community Speaks re: Need for Project Coordinator – Myra and Heather, after FB and Bulletin article.
  • Heather will clean up project coordinator description and share out with the advisory board.
Coordination Heather and Becky
Volunteer Recruitment Sallie (Yolanda, Kass, Karen, Teri)
Fundraising Heather and Anne
Menu/Cost Predictions Becky and Sallie
Finances Jen/CRC? (Krista)
Promotion of Program Myra and Patsy (Greg)


Advisory Board Meeting – CPES – April 24, 2018 at 4:00pm

Present: Heather Haas, Myra Camino, Greg Haas, Krista Dunn, Shirley Gorman, Ginger Miller, Buffalo Bulletin


  • The need for a Program/Project Coordinator was discussed at length and information was shared with Stephen Dow from the Bulletin in hopes that a story will help us find someone.  What we need:
    • Somebody passionate about making sure kids are fed.
    • Facilitate the move to a community based entity.
    • Volunteer for now.
    • Motivated individual, 10 hours per week.
    • Coordinate and oversee fundraising, vendors, planning.
    • Refer to Job Description provided by Blessings in a Backpack.
  • Finding a Fiscal agent is also on the top of our to-do list.  We’ll need to find an organization that will be an Umbrella 501(c)(3) so that we can begin applying for grants and can provide a tax credit number for donors.  Also need the fiscal agent for finance support and reports.
    • We agreed to start with a proposal to our local CRC (in Buffalo) once it is up and running.  They recently hired Shan Edwards as Executive Director and have received 1% monies from county and city.  
    • Also we need to contact Wyoming Community Foundation (Cheyenne) to see how they can help and be a possible fiscal agent backup.
  • Fundraising/Grants/Money
    • Grant requests were submitted to the Littler Trust and the Gorgen Fund at the beginning of April, each requesting $5000.  No word yet.
    • Need to continue conversations with Food Bank of the Rockies about grants through them, with a projected student number of 200.
    • Wyoming Community Foundation can also provide assistance with grants.
  • Promotion
    • Newspaper article – thank you Stephen for joining us
    • Facebook page, with basic information to help get the word out about need for a coordinator
    • Website for future communication of information and possible public interaction
    • Community Speaks (KBBS), to help get the word out about program and the need for a coordinator
    • 307NetRadio, to help get the word out about program and the need for a coordinator

Action Plan:

  1. Program/Project Coordinator, look for newspaper article and spread the word
  2. WCF – For fiscal agency, Heather make exploratory contact (Marti)
  3. CRC – For fiscal agency, umbrella, provide mailing address, bank account – Jen make a proposal when CRC is ready
  4. Bread of Life Food Pantry – Sallie contact Johnnie Pond
  5. Food Bank of the Rockies – Becky contact and get numbers for projected 200 students, possibly begin grant process with them
  6. Facebook – Myra will create page and publish Coordinator job description
  7. Community Speaks re: Need for Project Coordinator – Myra and Heather, after FB and Bulletin article
  8. Creation of Job Opening Language – Greg will start this then share
  9. Letterhead/Logo – Krista will create something – which address will we use?
  10. Coordinate Papers – Heather

Next meetingTuesday, May 29, 2018 at 4pm, CPES in Myra’s room


Organizational Meeting – CPES – March 27, 2018

Present: Myra Camino, Heather Haas, Becky Cotant, Shirley Gorman, Patsy Wirth, Sallie Wright


  • A list of names were brainstormed and then voted on by the 6 people present.  There was a tie between “Johnson County Food for our Future” and “Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends”.  Top two were emailed to 2 advisory board member and the tie was broken. Final vote was for “Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends”.
  • A Mission Statement was drafted and discussed.  Finalized as: The Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends organization will endeavor to fund and distribute nourishing food to Johnson County children who might otherwise go hungry.
  • Advisory Board application were received from Sallie Wright, Krista Dunn, Heather Haas, Becky Cotant and Greg Haas (as an alternate).   Welcome to the board!  Below is a table with areas of interest that board members will focus on as we move forward.  
  • Advice was asked of present members regarding grant applications that were due April 1st.  All there wanted to support the CRC but we talked about maybe letting them get off the ground first and then switching over once they were established.  For now we’ll look into using Food Group, the YMCA or the Wyoming Communities Foundation as a fiscal agent instead.
  • Advise was also requested on asking for start up money vs money to buy food.  Those present were in agreement that we should wait on asking for start up money and instead focus on gaining funding to buy food.

Action Plan:

    • Grant Application Letter requesting funds to buy food to Littler and Scott Foundation by April 1, 2018
    • Contact YMCA and Wyoming  Communities Foundation to inquire about becoming our fiscal agent.
    • Communicate with new advisory board about 3 month plan, duties and schedule of meetings
    • Look into data that supports the need for hungry kids.  Check with food bank of the rockies, free and reduced lunch numbers and add a question to CPES well being survey.
    • Follow up with Missi in Sheridan regarding name, mission statement and fiscal agent possibilities.

Next meeting:  Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 4:00-5:00 at CPES, Room 106

Coordination Heather and Becky
Volunteer Recruitment Sallie
Fundraising Heather
Menu/Cost Predictions Becky and Sallie
Finances Jen/CRC?
Promotion of Program Myra and Patsy


Organizational Meeting – Jen’s house – March 25, 2018

Present: Heather Haas, Jen Skaggs

Discussion: Funding Possibilities

  • Patterson Fund – RIck Myers?? (Jen)
  • Littler Trust Grant – due April 1st  
  • Scott Foundation – due April 1st/July   (Heather ) http://www.scottfoundation.org/submitting-a-proposal/
  • CIty of Buffalo Foundation (Ray Holt at FNB)
  • Guy in Big Horn – talk to Missi and Evert at Food Group (Heather)
  • Rocky Mountain Food Bank (Heather talk to Becky and Meg)

Action Plan: See parenthesis above

Next meeting:  Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at CPES


Organizational Meeting – The Fix – February 27, 2018

Present: Heather Haas, Becky Cotant, Kassahn Mathson, Sallie Wright, Yolanda Graslie, Karen Walker, Patsy Wirth, Krista Dunn Greg Haas, Kira Wages and Shirley Gorman


  • Heather gave an update on the food distribution so far.  It’s going smoothly. 3 weeks worth of snack pack have been delivered to approximately 50 kids at CPES, 40 kids at MDLK and 18 at Kaycee Elementary.  Several students in all buildings have politely declined the food via the Opt-Out letter.
  • Kass reported on her meeting with Sheridan Food Group.  Shared how they do it.
  • Becky reported information learned from her in-laws in Torrington,
  • Patsy shared what she learned from her sisters in Powell.
  • Discussed what we liked about each report.  Group liked the idea of combining an invitation to all students (like Sheridan) with an Opt-Out Letter (like we did).  Group also liked the idea of combining using local grocery stores (like Sheridan and Powell) and utilizing the Food Bank of the Rockies menu )like Torrington).
  • Costs per bag were reported as:  Sheridan $5.40-7.50; Torrington $5-6; Powell $7.50.
  • Fundraising was postponed until after we can look into the Food Bank of the Rockies, as apparently they have some in-house grants.
  • Discussion on name and mission/vision was brief and those present would think on it.
  • Heather suggested we create an advisory board application and distribute to those potentially interested.  That way we could establish who is willing to commit to the organization and running of this program and approximately how many hours they are willing to contribute.
  • Heather had referred to the BIB Program Coordinator handout and broke the work into 6 areas.  She asked those in attendance to choose an area of interest if they wanted. See chart below.

Action Plan:

  • Heather will send out notice of next meeting.
  • Heather will create an Advisory Board application and distribute via email.
  • Becky will contact Food Bank of the Rockies to begin work on costs and menu planning.

Next meeting:  Tuesday, March 27th at 4:00 at Head Start Building

Area of Interest

Coordination Heather
Volunteer Recruitment Kassahn, Sallie, Yolanda, Karen
Menu/Cost Predictions Becky
Finances CRC?
Promotion of Program
Still Pondering Patsy, Krista
Will help with whatever (no lead) Kira, Shirley


Organizational Meeting – JCSD Learning Center – February 7, 2018

Present: Heather Haas, Jen Skaggs, Tamatha Grabin, Kassahn Mathson, Becky Cotant, Steve Bennett, Kelsey McDonnell


  • Food shipment was viewed.  It was smaller and more snack like than anticipated so we have changed our language to “delivering snack packs”.
  • Plan for distribution to schools made – Kelsey and Steve will help move boxes to schools later in the week.  Kaycee picked theirs up today.
  • Next steps discussed.  For now we’ll reach out to other food programs around the state and ask questions about how they do business.  We’ll wait on talking to local grocery stores and creating a volunteer recruiting list. The need for fundraising this spring was emphasized and ideas were discussed

Action Plan:

  • Tamatha will contact Gillette BIB representative, Paul Utzman.  
  • Kass will contact Missy with the Food Group in Sheridan.  
  • Becky will contact her in-laws in Torrington.
  • Heather will ask Patsy Wirth to talk to her sisters in Powell.  Be ready to report back the next meeting.
  • Kelsey and Steve will start brainstorming fundraising.

Next meeting:  Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 4:00 – The Fix


Exploratory Community Meeting – Johnson County Public Library – Jan. 30, 2018

Present: Heather Haas, Greg Haas, Shanda Wright, Wilma Wallace, Jen Skaggs, Derek Andrews, Shirley Gorman, Judi Holmes, Kelsey McDonnell, Myra Camino, Patsy Wirth, Lisa Stine


  • Heather shared the general idea of getting food backpacks to students in Johnson County and shared the current status with Blessings in a BackPack (BIB).  A shipment will be coming in sometime in the next week or so and we’ll need to have a group that is willing to sort and deliver the food. Also, schools will need to establish a recipient list and discuss the logistics of getting the food to the students.  
  • We talked about the need to make this a sustainable endeavor and discussed ideas how to make this happen.  Board members for the Community Resource Center, Jen and Derek, expressed interest in being involved, possibly as an overhead organization.  Other organizations to potentially partner include YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, and Bread of Life Food Pantry.
  • A sign up sheet was passed around to obtain names and contact information.  

Action Plan:

  • When the food shipment arrives, Heather will contact those who noted interest in helping to organize.  A meeting will be set according to that time.
  • Heather will make email lists to continue communication.  One list for a larger community group (primarily interested in helping later), one list for a smaller organizational list and one for JCSD admin, counselors and front office staff.

Next meeting:  TBD

Initial Meeting Planning – Created by Heather with input from sign up sheet.

Lead/Co-Lead Organize Sorting/Packing Delivery Whatever? Partnering
Heather Myra? Derek A. Derek A. Shirley G. Y in the Park
Becky C? Patsy? Wilma W. Wilma W. Kelsey B&G Club
Tamatha? Shanda W. Shanda W. Gina S. CRC
Kass? Greg H. Dems Marissa Food Pantry
Jen – CRC Judi – Realtors Tristian
Krista Dunn Kira – HS group
Seth – Summit Church
MaryAnn – Catholic Church





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