2019 January 29th Minutes

Minutes of the Regular Quarterly Meeting

Board of Directors of Johnson County-Friends Feeding Friends

The regular quarterly meeting of the Directors of the above non-profit organization was held on January 29, 2019, at 4:30PM at Cloud Peak Elementary School, at Buffalo, Wyoming.

  1. Quorum. Roll call was held and a quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following directors: Heather Haas, Krista Dunn, Becky Cotant, and Patsy Wirth. 

   Also in attendance were Sharon Miller, program coordinator, Elyse Parker, and Jeanie Iberlin. Jeanie will be filling the board vacancy as mentioned in the minutes.

  1. Minutes. The minutes from the September meeting were read and approved.

III. Resignation, Vacancy, and Election of Director. In October 2019, all board members received notification of resignation from Jenn Skaggs, a founding board member. The resignation has been recognized and accepted. Jeanie Iberlin was elected to the board to fulfill the vacancy left by Jenn Skaggs.

  1. Modification of Current Board Terms. It was moved and approved by the board members to extend their current terms to coincide with the fiscal year. Terms will begin on January 1, and be fulfilled on December 31, as determined by the following lengths of terms. 

          Heather Haas           3 year term 

          Becky Cotant              3 year term

          Krista Dunn           3 year term

          Sallie Wright           2 year term

          Jeanie Iberlin           2 year term

          Yolanda Graslie           1 year term

          Patsy Wirth           1 year term

  1. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s report was read and approved. It was noted that we are continuing to receive donations in various formats. During the last part of 2018, we received a generous second grant from the Food Bank of the Rockies. 
  2. Program Coordinator Report: Sharon reviewed the total of donations and total expenses. She has been able to make initial written contact with around 80 people/organizations informing them about the start-up JC-FFF and letting them know how they could help. We have had 24 individual monetary donations and 15 In-kind. Thank you letters have been sent to all Thank you cards will be made for future donations.  

Volunteers to fill the food bags have signed up though almost the last week of school using the sign-up calendar on our website.  So far, 12 different groups have done the packing. 

Presentations have been given to four clubs and 100 business cards have been given out. Success in getting our name and our goals to the public.

VII. Committee Reports. 

Food: The Food Bank of the Rockies was able to give all clients a little extra in January.   We were also able to include bagels one week in January for our first offering fresh bread. It is time to make a new snack pack order with the donation from Blessings in a Backpack.  

Our goal is to add fresh fruit.

Volunteers:  Group and/or individual volunteers have signed up to pack backpacks through April. Only 3-4 weeks in May are still available for volunteers to sign-up. 

Suggestions were made for possible outlets for volunteers to help unload the food pallets.

VII.  Next Meeting.  The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on May 22, 2019, at Cloud Peak Elementary School.

There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.


Patsy Wirth






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