Minutes of Regular Quarterly Meeting
Board of Directors of Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends
The JC-FFF Board members met at 4:00 in the classroom of Heather Haas at CPES. Members present were; Heather Haas, Becky Cotant, Sharon Miller, Sallie Wright, Krista Dunn and Yolanda Graslie. Guest presenter Adam Teten was also present.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Sharon Miller (see attached Program Coordinator Report).
Sharon shared a copy of the new, typo-free Thank You notes designed by Josh Wirth. Many thanks to Josh!
Becky stated that there is approximately 2-3 weeks worth of food left. The grant for the Rocky Mountain Food Bank expires June 2nd. Paperwork is to be submitted explaining how money was spent.
Fund Raisers:
- Wyoming Game and Fish Raffle has sold 13 tickets. During a discussion regarding the method used to sell the tickets it was suggested that, if the opportunity rises again, we would consider an auction. The auction would open it up to out-of-state hunters as well as local sportsmen. There is paperwork that needs to be submitted.
- Krista shared news regarding a fundraising opportunity. The Black Powder Shoot Out was discussed, but tabled for the time being.
New Business:
Adam Teten shared how we, as a non-profit organization, might manage funds in order to have money available for future growth. Some of his suggestions include:
- Make goals
- Short-term
- Intermediate
- Long-term (ie. paid administrator or rental/purchase for a food storage unit).
- Keep checking account sufficient to cover monthly/yearly expenses amounts.
- Need to have flexibility within the investments and/or endowment funds.
- Keep separate account for WCF monies to monitor how funds are spent.
- Good to have an attorney review a Policy Statement for investment and/or endowment funds.
- Consider a reviewable time frame (ie. every three years).
Adam will send Krista sites that will show sources for ideas regarding Endowment Funds.
During a discussion about how we move forward, it was suggested that we schedule a work session to aid us in this endeavor. It was motioned by Krista and seconded by Sallie that we schedule a work session. The motion passed. Date for the session has been scheduled for July 25th. Time and place to be determined later.
Topics for the session discussion include:
- Before School Organization Meeting (volunteers for beginning of school year)
- Investment/Endowment possibilities
- Fund raising
Sharon met with Scott Musselmann, from the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, to discuss the need for food for these kids. The B & G Club is not interested in an “opt out” approach, but prefer an “opt in” approach. She emailed him the “opt in” form used by JCSD1.
Sharon’s contact person for this summer for the kids in Kaycee is Jennifer Lompe.
- Consider meeting with school personnel about ways to improve the distribution of food during the 2019-2020 school year.
- Consider a reminder text for High School students to help with the anonymity for food distribution.
Respectfully Submitted,
Yolanda Graslie (in place of Patsy Wirth)