2024 January 25 Annual Board Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2024 JC-FFF Annual Board Meeting Minutes


Call to Order/Roll Call: 

Meeting was called to order by Becky Cotant at 7:10 p.m. In attendance: Heather Hass, Becky Cotant, P.J. Rozema, Sallie Wright, Jennifer Lompe, Mike Hanson, Jennifer Burden,Breean Waller and Jamie Straessler


Approve Minutes:  

P.J. moved to approve October 4, 2023 Special Board Meeting minutes and  January 11, 2024 Special board meeting minutes. Mike seconded it, all voted and motion passed.


Annual Meeting Business

  • Election of Officers:  Jennifer Lompe nominated Jennifer Burden as President.  Sallie seconded it, all voted in favor and motion passed. As a board we decided not to have a Vice President.   P.J. nominated Sallie Wright as treasurer and Mike seconded it.  All voted in favor and motion passed.  Sallie nominated P.J. Rozema as treasurer and Jamie seconded it. All voted in favor and motion passed.
  • Board member terms:  These terms are three year terms. 
  • Conflict of Interest Policy Review & Signatures: We reviewed them and signed the terms.

Program Coordinators/Program Administrator’s Reports

Breean Waller went over the report. Heather Haas went over the balance sheet, profit & loss, grant history and important dates. Heather is going to make a budget/income report. 


Old Business 

  • Welcomed, Kristina Duarte, Jennifer Burden & Jamie Straessler to the board.
  • Board pictures for website: Everyone needs to send Heather and Breean an updated picture.
  • Strategic Planning Retreat Follow-up

Vote on revised Mission Statement, plus new Vision and Values Statements (see Addendum A)   Mike made a motion to adopt revised mission statement. P.J. seconded it all voted and motion passed. 

  • SMART Goals- review: we reviewed goals

Goal #1: Funding for activity trips

Jennifer Lompe accomplished this goal. She got funding for the Kaycee kids. Kaycee school was a pilot run. Jennifer L. is getting us receipts. Kristina Duarte would like to get this funded for the BHS activity trips for the kids.

Goal #2: Bigger Space- We are in the process of getting a new building. Looking into some options. 

Goal #3: Invitation and growing out money- We are still looking into how we can do this.

Goal #4: Summer Food to kids 3-5 days a week- Van is done. We should be able to start serving food this summer at least twice a week.

Goal #5:  Utilize the van to its fullest potential- Van is done. Breean is starting to use the van to do errands. Like delivering the food and picking up the food from the stores. 

Goal #6:  Cooking classes- Still working on this goal

  • Annual Goals- Do we want to officially adopt any?
  • Revise Board Committees- do we need this permanently or just as needed? Food truck, Race for the Rest of Us, Food/Menu, Public Relations/Marketing, Grants, Empowering Families and Mini Food Pantry Liaison.  Jennifer Lompe suggested doing these committees as needed and all board members agreed.


New Business

  • Performance Review/Supervision for Breean and Heather: We agreed to have the President and Treasurer do the reviews of their performance. Sally also will do their time cards.
  • Packing Facility/Rental Opportunities: Breean is going to check out what kind of contract from the AC’s and Bomber mountain facilities, how much rent is, longevity and if we could get a reduced rate for rent. She is going to get more information in two weeks. By Feb. 8 th. Sally suggested looking at Flatiron as another option to rent. 
  • Free Mini Food Pantry Placement- They are being used.


  • Policies Review

New policies needed as we grow?

  • Travel & Mileage reimbursement Policy- proposed changes
  • Legal advice/representation- new policies

As a board we decided to table these to the next meeting.


Adjournment:  Sally made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m. Jamie second it and motion passed. 





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