Special Board Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2024
Present Members (via zoom): Sallie Wright, PJ Rozema, Mike Hanson, Jennifer Lompe, Kristina Duarte, Jennifer Burden
Sallie (Treasurer) called the meeting to order: 5:15 pm
Order of Business – Pending Board Application:
Jennifer B. made a motion to approve Jamie Straessler as new board member. Mike seconded the motion. Motion approved. Sallie will contact Jamie and Heather will follow up with pertinent information and board packet.
FYI – to be discussed more at upcoming board meeting:
-Breean and Heather are actively looking for a new packing facility;
-several board members are interested in seeing the Asay property on Flatiron;
-Breean should reach out and set up a time to make that happen;
-Mike is wondering if the space would work to share with New West High School for their new hydroponics project.
Meeting adjourned – 5:30 pm. Next meeting January 25, 2024.