About Us

At JC-FFF we are passionate about feeding kids. From our Governing Board and staff to our large volunteer base, we work to make food available for the kids of Johnson County. We currently deliver food bags to seven area schools and have pantries in four of them. Our program coordinator is busy all week taking orders, ordering and organizing food, setting up volunteers and make sure the deliveries happen on time. We enjoy healthy partnerships with local grocery stores, businesses and school groups.  If you’re passionate about feeding kids, join us!

Our Mission Statement:  JC-FFF will provide nourishing food to Johnson County children.

Our Vision Statement: No hungry children in Johnson County

Our Value Statements:

Nutrition:  All children deserve access to nutritional food.

Education: All children should have resources to access and prepare nutritional food.

Respect:  All children should be respected by providing an inclusive, non-judgmental, dignified approach to accessing food.

Collaboration:  As much as possible, support local business and work toward a better community.

Reliability & Sustainability:  Consistently supply nutritional food for Johnson County children for years to come. 

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