Minutes of the Regular Quarterly Meeting
Board of Directors of Johnson County-Friends Feeding Friends
The regular quarterly meeting of the Directors of the above non-profit organization was held on September 24, 2019, at 4:30PM at Cloud Peak Elementary School, at Buffalo, Wyoming.
I. Quorum. Roll call was held and a quorum was declared present based on the presence of the following directors: Heather Haas, Krista Dunn, Becky Cotant, Sally Wright, and Patsy Wirth.
Also in attendance were Sharon Miller, program coordinator.
II. Minutes. The minutes from the May meeting were read by Patsy Wirth and were approved.
III. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Becky Cotant and Sharon Miller. It was read and approved. See Attached
IV. Program Coordinator Report. Sharon Miller presented the coordinators report. It was noted that JC-FFF received the Hazel Patterson Grant of $5000. Eleven facilities will be serviced in during the 2019-2020 school year. Ask letters have been written and are ready to be sent out.
V. Resignation and Vacancy. All board members received notification of resignation from board member, Jeanie Iberlin. The resignation has been recognized and accepted. Several community members have indicated interest in joining the board and will be offered applications to fulfill the vacancy.
VI. Committee Reports.
Food: JC-FFF continues to have grants with The Food Bank of the Rockies and with Blessings in a Backpack. These grants provide the opportunity to use other monies to supplement the backpacks with fresh foods. We will look into efficient ways to add new members to this committee to help with the weekly shopping.
Volunteers: Heather is reconnecting with community groups and other volunteers who volunteered their time last year to pack the backpacks and has volunteers through December.
VII. Committee Growth.
Currently committees only include board members. To better serve the recipients of our program; to provide increased public information and awareness about the program; to provide educational facts and links about nutrition; and to increase fundraising events, it would be necessary to add members to the committees.
VIII. Endowment Exploration and Financial Planning.
Due to time limitations, the members decided to move this discussion to a special Strategic Planning meeting to be held on November 12, 2019, at 4:00pm at CPES.
IX. Next Meetings.
Official Board of Directors Meetings are scheduled to occur on the last Tuesday of the month as indicated below. Meetings will be held at Cloud Peak Elementary School at 4:00PM. Board Members will be notified if rescheduling is necessary.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Tuesday, January, 26, 2021
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Patsy Wirth