2020 August 27th Minutes

Quarterly meeting of the Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends Board

Held at 4 p.m. on August 28, 2020, at the home of board president Heather Haas in Buffalo, Wyoming.

Meeting was called to order by president Heather Haas. 

  1. Roll call was held and a quorum was declared present.
    Present: Board members Heather Haas, Becky Cotant, Sallie Wright, Jennifer Burden, Ashley Hughes and Krista Dunn. Also present was program coordinator Sharon Miller.

  2. Coordinator report: Sharon Miller reported that so far this year, income is at $35,000, compared to $20,000 last year. Expenses did go up as the Food Bank of the Rockies funding went away, along with Blessings in a Backpack, so it’s possible we might see our expenses double this year. Cash in bank: $48,175
    Sharon reported that FFF received donations from both the Kaycee an Buffalo Episcopal churches. FFF also received two anonymous donations from Stifle Investing and a COVID grant from the Community Foundation.
    Assistant program coordinator hire update: The classified display ad ran this week and will run next week in the Buffalo Bulletin. The ad was also placed on FFF’s Facebook page and website along with Buffalo Upcycle. The deadline is Sept. 15. The hiring committee (Sharon, Becky and Heather) will schedule interviews after that date. The Bulletin donated the cost of the ad. Sharon will send a thank you to the newspaper.
    Sharon reported that because FFF will have an employee, it needs someone to do payroll. She is researching local bookkeepers along with liability insurance.
    Sharon is in the middle of planning and sorting out pantries, school deliveries and home deliveries for the school year. She sent an email to school contacts. There will be pantries in the middle school and high schools (including Kaycee).
    The board agreed that it needs to require volunteers to go through a screening and wear a mask and gloves. The board will provide the gloves, but volunteers are expected to bring their own masks.

  3. Committee reports

    1. Food: Heather reported that packing on Sept. 4 will be smaller but we have a lot more pantries so it will look a little different. Becky said she ordered cans of lasagna and spaghetti that can go in the pantry. Sharon will confirm whether Dana in Kaycee wants just a pantry so she can pack bags or if they also need weekend bags packed and delivered.
      Becky reported that there is plenty of food in stock. 
    2. Public relations/marketing: Jennifer passed around the ask letter and donation card. The board agreed the ask letter should be sent in early November and an annual report listing number of volunteer hours, donated rent, etc. should be sent in May. 


  1. Old business: The board has established an advocate at each school and placed an ad for part-time help. The board plans to make a trip to Sheridan to tour their facility and operation post COVID.
    Sharon is working to establish hygiene lockers at the schools.
    Sharon reported that she reached out to Eddie Maria with Blessings in a Backpack and they did find FFF a sponsor, so those are covered for the next school year.  


  1. New business: Board member Patsy Wirth submitted her board resignation. 
    Sallie made a motion to name Jennifer Burden as the new board secretary. Ashley Hughes seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.  


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned. 








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