Quarterly meeting of the Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends Board
Held at 4:30 p.m. on August 26, 2021
Meeting was called to order by president Heather Haas.
Roll call was held and a quorum was declared present.
Present: Board members Heather Haas, Sallie Wright, Becky Cotant, Krista Dunn, Kristina Anders and Jennifer Burden
Approval of Minutes: Heather read the minutes from the May board meeting. Krista made a motion to approve the minutes. Kristina seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Coordinator’s Report: Program director Sharon Miller was presented by Heather. New POCs have been made for the school year, including Kyla Christensen (sp?) to deliver to Kaycee. Michelle Dahlberg at BHS will take the lead, Bev will continue to be included in the pantry, which will be set up near the counselor’s office.
Pantries are being stocked right now. Jen Skaggs has a new room with a pantry and extra clothes, hygiene items, etc. There is a pantry at BHS and New West as well.
Volunteer invite postcards went out to all the volunteers. Breean will send a few more.
Sharon and Breean are working on teenage (FBLA) deliverers and food bank unloaders (New West).
We have monthly bread deliveries once a month.
Bag collection boxes are now at DJs and IGA thanks to Breean.
Reached out to First Lady’s office regarding beef donations. Trish said she will look into this and partner with Wyoming Beef Council.
Old Business: There is a concern regarding a shortage of BIB funding. Heather said she thought we had funds for 40 kids, but we are serving about 110 kids. Last year we had the same concern, and then it worked out. The original funds came from Larry and Susan Patrick. Eddie has national donors he can connect with. Funding status – per the report. Total income: $28,459.31. Net income: $5,155.33.
The board agreed to send out an ask letter in November. Jennifer will work on wording. Breean will mail.
Grants coming up: Wyoming Community Foundation, Sharon will look into. Littler we got in, Ashley helped with that. And the Wyoming Community Foundation/Hazel Patterson.
Jennifer will reach out to Kelly at the food pantry to discuss food bins around town.
Breean spoke with Teri Dawson who was going to contact case workers to help gather bags from the boxes around town.
Heather met with Dr. Steven Miller, the new curriculum director for JCSD. He had questions about FFF. Charles asked if there is anything we need from the school. We talked about being involved in preview day (informational boards with a QR code). We talked about a need sign up form on the website.
We have paid the premiums for our insurance policies. They are up and going. Please work with Jake Jones if we ever need to make a claim. In the end, he went with a different underwriter and saved us quite a bit of money.
Regarding teenage drivers who are delivering: Breen was going to see what Bev requires from FFA/FBLA.
Committee reports: Becky (food and menu): Still trying to use leftovers. Put in for mac and cheese, granola bars. The food bank is doing a better job offering a variety. Worst-case scenario, we could replace BIB with these items. Talked about having Breean purchase a shelf from Home Depot for food storage.
Krista/Jennifer (public relations and marketing): Will work on an ask letter.
Fundraising – Jennifer McCormick with Southside Grill said she is on board to partner for a fundraiser. Talked about spring or early summer. We pay for the food at cost, and they donate the rest. Sallie will look into city permission. Breean will look into a donut stand ½ there (Lolly’s). Can we make this race handicap accessible? Kristina will look into medals and bibs. Jennifer will work on marketing, fliers, newspapers, social media. Krista suggested sponsorships, making a list for who we can reach out to (pay for donuts, shirts, food, etc.).
New business: PJ Rozema is an interested board member. Jennifer made a motion to elect PJ. Sallie seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Jennifer made a motion to adjourn. Becky seconded. Motion was unanimous.